Our Brands

Here is the children's version of Diablo

Welcome to the Kido universe, which we created especially with the youngest children in our minds. We know what tigers like best, but we also understand what parents need, so we combined the style and quality of Diablo chairs with the needs of the youngest ones. We offer only solutions that guarantee maximum comfort, form correct sitting habits - all these things in a design, loved by millions of fans. Kido products eliminate reluctance to do homework!

Children deserve the best! 

Certainly, taking care of your child's correct posture is a priority for you. Kido children's desk chair supports the spine at every point, as we have adapted the size of the chair to the body structure of toddlers and provided a comprehensive package of professional ergonomic features. Kido chairs are an investment in your child's health and well-being. 

Show them your Diablo

Our solutions look great on the website, but even better in our customers' interiors. Take a look, get inspired, and then join the team. Tag your photo on Instagram with the hashtag #mydiablo and show the world your exclusive Diablo Chairs arrangement!

Brands in the Diablo Chairs family